i’m laurie carmichael and i’m glad you’re here!

This has been a difficult season of isolation, loneliness, boredom, depression, and anxiety for many people. A time where social connection has been limited, despite the need and longing for personal interaction. Therapy is a space that allows you to reconnect with your own emotional world with someone walking closely beside you. When internal and external realities are as chaotic as they have been in recent times, it can often feel as though you are floating through time and space with no firm grounding.

I believe in the power of a strong and sturdy foundation that comes from building inner strength and resilience through processing and being aware of past and present emotional pain. Clients will hear me say frequently that the only way out is through. However, that is not a walk that needs to be done alone. As your therapist, I will hold your words and feelings with confidentiality and safety, without judgment, and with hope that there is always light on the other side of darkness. It would be my honor to participate in your healing, re-connection, reprocessing, and relearning who you are and who you choose to be.



2023: ADHD-CCSP Certification

2018: M.S. in Marital and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary

2017: Certified in Prepare / Enrich, a comprehensive assessment tool to facilitate premarital counseling, both as a facilitator and a trainer (2019) for other therapists, pastors, and lay people interested in working with couples

2016: B.A. in Therapeutic and Community Psychology from Point Loma Nazarene University


“many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.”

max ehrmann, desiderata